The Joker is a character portrayed by Hea Ledger and e antagonist in Christoer Non's 2008 superhero film The Dark Knight.Hea Ledger made history wi his performance as e Joker in The Dark Knight, and behind-e-scenes stories and details make it even ...Ledger died in January 2008 as a result of an aidental overse of ditions. A few mons before his dea, he finished filming his role as e Joker ...Hea Ledger locked himself up in a ho room for a mon and tained a diary to prepare for e role of e Joker in The Dark Knight.Hea Ledger's family aepting e Best Supporting Actor Osr® for his performance as e Joker in "The Dark Knight".He didn't cialize wi his stars. He never broke character. Joker appeared in e morning, his makeup was applied and he was still Joker, ...Even e Joker, in an extraordinary creation by Hea Ledger, is deeply human. The natural petunce of Christian Bale makes his ego and alter ego e most ...
